You, as parents, may be asking yourselves, "What is this Accountability Pyramid all about?" It is a very useful tool in place of the traditional "pull a card" discipline method. This Accountability Pyramid may also be implemented in your home as you work with your child to establish character traits that will help them be successful in life.
Here is how it works:
Basically, each child has his own pyramid on the wall, with six pieces. The pieces have
character traits on them, like self control or responsibility. If a child has violated a rule, the corresponding pyramid piece is taken off the pyramid. The child then has to fill out a piece of paper explaining what he did, what he should have done instead, and how he's going to get a piece back. That paper goes home to the parent. And, there's a master sheet that allows the teacher to record who has lost what piece.
Students have to earn each piece back, or they stay down forever. In my class, you don't get recess if you have one piece down, and you get lunch detention if you have two pieces down. Cooperation with the parent and the teacher is vital for this system to work best. If there are fun activities happening and a student has a piece of their pyramid down, they will not be able to participate in that activity.
For more information on this program, how to implement it in your home, or more on the creator of this program, go to